What is the difference between ACT and SAT?
Compare American College Testing and Schoolastic Assessment Test. To decide whether to take the ACT or the SAT, we should first find out what the difference is between the ACT and the SAT.
The table below lists the differences and similarities between the two exams:
From the Table above, we see the biggest difference in Structure between the 2 exams is that the ACT has Scien Reasoning. However, how to compare scores between 2 Exams? Invite you to continue reading The table of points comparison between SAT and ACT
From the above 2 comparison tables, we can see:
1. SAT exam
There is a wide range of scores (Score Range), which is why students will be more motivated when applying to the University. Wide range of scores will assess students more accurately.
Not having Science Reasoning section will be advantage for students who are not good at Science.
Subject SAT is available to demonstrate the ability to specialize in each subject.
Having a Data Analysis section will be an advantage for students who are able to do Statistics.
Time "seems" more comfortable than the ACT Exam
The SAT does not place a heavy emphasis on "riddling" contestants with vocabulary
There is a "seems" Math section that is simpler than ACT
American universities require students to submit the results of the SAT exams and will choose the highest score. However, low SAT scores will affect the competitiveness of the application.
2. ACT exam
There is a narrower band gap than the SAT and less flexibility than the SAT when applying to the American University. However, the Narrow Band Score lessens the negative impression if a student scores poorly (for example, 32 ACT versus 1480 SAT).
There is a Science Reasoning section, which helps increase the score for candidates who have good Science reasoning ability.
Note that the Science Reasoning part is not related to the candidate's scientific knowledge, but is primarily focused on the ability to infer science based on the information provided.
The Reading section is considered by high school students in the US to be easier to get than the SAT part of the SAT.
Without Subject Tests, this reduces the pressure for students to apply to top universities like Harvard, MIT, Yale ...
The Math section with "seems" questions is more complex and difficult than the SAT. However, with many years of experience at the Admissions Committee, we found the difficulty level of both sides, SAT and ACT, to be equal. Just different on how to ask and ask questions
The test speed is faster than the SAT. Test takers will feel more pressure on the exam time than the SAT. The speed of doing the test is very important for the ACT and it is a factor determining whether a student will get a good score or not. The duration of the questions will affect each other according to the Domino Effect. Once students have a slower pace of doing their tasks than expected, the ability to answer correctly decreases.
The absence of Data Analysis will be an advantage for students who are not good at Statistics.
American universities only require students to submit 1 ACT score. Therefore, students can take the ACT as many times as they need and submit only the highest score without fear of being affected by their admissions documents. This is also the reason that the number of students taking ACT has been higher than the SAT in recent years.
This year 131 international organizations, from 73 countries, partnered with the PRA in Washington, D.C., and its Hernando De Soto Fellow Prof. Sary Levy-Carciente to produce the 17th edition of the IPRI..
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